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May 16, 2011

Beamdog explains how they fit MDK2 on WiiWare, future Nintendo support and thoughts on 3DS

NWR: The Wii Remote and Nunchuk controls feel very natural. What do
they bring to the experience? Did you consider supporting the Classic Controller?

CT: The Wii Remote and Nunchuk make MDK2 and incredibly pleasant experience. At the start of development I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out, but after a few attempts it felt really good. I played straight through the whole game and really enjoyed it, standard controllers don't even come close. As for the Classic Controller, it wasn't a consideration.

TO: This was our first Wii title, so we wanted to make a title which played to the strengths of the console. We felt the Classic Controller wouldn't really capitalize on the strengths of the Wii as a platform and as such, didn't excite us as much as the potential of the Wiimote. Cameron did the tuning on the controls personally and I think you can agree they game plays very well with the Wiimote.

NWR: Are there plans to offer a WiiWare demo at some point?

TO: We've discussed the concept of a WiiWare demo, but with the potential short life of a demo in the WiiWare service we just can't justify the time it would take to develop.

                                                 Full Interview Here
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