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July 4, 2011

Super Mario 3DS to feature more familiar power-up suits than just Tanooki

The following comment comes from Super Mario director Yoshiaki Koizumi...

"I can't reveal the actual number of power-ups in the game right now, but suffice to say that we do try to include enough so that people can enjoy a variety of different kinds of play experiences in the title. Also, I should point out that we don't necessarily decide on what number of famous Mario suits will appear in the game and proceed from there - we try to find interesting gameplay ideas and then try to settle on what to do in different places. I can say that we will definitely have some more familiar suits than just the Tanooki Suit."

It'll be interesting to see what else is in store for Super Mario 3D. I'm kinda disappointed that they went with a nerfed Tanooki suit when they should have just used Racoon Mario.


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