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September 21, 2011

Nintendo explains lack of online in StarFox 64 3D, says future StarFox game could have online

The comment comes straight from Nintendo's Yusuke Amano...

"Personally, I play a lot of online FPS games. This leads me to think that just making multiplayer parts of existing games playable online isn't enough to create a satisfying experience for users. The popular online games work in lots of things, so they play well online - and if we wanted to satisfy everyone who bought the game, the costs required for including online support would be vast.

For this project what we needed to do was use Star Fox to provide users with a game that shows the appeal of Nintendo 3DS as quickly as possible. We put a lot of effort into the graphics, and if we had included online support then we couldn't have reached this level in the time allowed.

We didn't cut any corners for the multiplayer mode in this game. We did lots of experimentation for the normal wireless local multiplayer and included lots of new features. Working on the multiplayer part was a nice, satisfying challenge, and if I get the chance to work on another Star Fox title, I would definitely consider an online multiplayer mode."

Personally I find the lack of online pretty inexcusable in Star Fox 64. Nintendo wants it to sell enough to warrant making a future Star Fox title, which means they should be including enough features to guarantee that it sells to their liking. Star Fox is, to me, at least, one of their strongest franchises, second only to the likes of Mario, Metroid, and Zelda. Nintendo has the cash to spend the Star Fox budget. And as for time... I think Nintendo should probably look into expanding it's teams so we don't have the droughts seen on the Wii and AAA games lacking AAA features, as seen in Star Fox 64

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