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May 18, 2011

Chrono Trigger (VC) - review

Part of a Nintendolife review:
Graphically, Chrono Trigger is among the best-looking games ever made for the 16-bit console. Not only does it sport some of the best looking Mode-7 effects seen on the system, it also has a level of colour and detail that's just not present in any other SNES RPG. Ever single area and time period has its own distinct trademark look to it, and it really gives the game a feeling of being even bigger than it already is. Impressive details abound in every single area; even the characters offer some extremely remarkable animations that make them much more expressive than the standard for 16-bit titles. Even holding its own next to games with rendered graphics, Chrono Trigger is easily one of the best looking releases for the system and a good example of just how graphically impressive the Super Nintendo system can be.
Full review here

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