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May 29, 2011

Nintendo Know: Final Thoughts - Game Reviews and how they affect game purchases

I've been playing some games that I'm gonna be reviewing in the next couple of days, and it's led me to think about the state of most reviews out there in the industry today, and how much they really affect potential gamers. I know a lot of people are really picky about where they read their reviews. Some of them will only bother with reviews from a very specific site or even author, while others tend to read reviews from many different places as they prefer to get as many opinions as possible. Still, others don't give reviews the time of day at all. They'll purchase a game regardless of what the reviews say and how many negative ones there may be.

Personally, I enjoy reading reviews. At the very least simply to hear others' opinions on particular games. However, reviews don't have any potential to sway me when it comes to my game purchases. All my game purchases are pretty much set in stone way before a game even releases. Not to mention that when you review games that means you have to pick them up and play through them when you don't always want to.

How about you? How much do reviews affect whether or not you pick up a game? I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions, so sound off in the comments. I'll catch you all in a bit!

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