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NEWS FLASH: Hii bb ;3

May 20, 2011

Team Ninja wants to make a game specifically designed for 3D, Nintendo wants to work with Team Ninja again

 “This time (with Dead or Alive: Dimensions), we used the 3D for presenting the game, but next time I want to make software that involves 3D in the game design. When I read Miyamoto-san’s interviews, I realized that he designs games that can only be accomplished in 3D. Like games that involve jumping into the distance. There’s a particular enjoyment to a game designed specifically for 3D. While I don’t know exactly when I will land any such future projects, I think the challenge of the games I make from now on will be quite rewarding. I’m looking forward to playing games by all kinds of game developers. But I’ll be incredibly jealous the moment someone achieves something that until then seemed completely impossible, so I want to find that door and open it myself!” - Team Ninja leader, Yosuke Hayashi

“We may be able to work together again in the near future, and it would be great if we did something that made you jealous or you did something that made us jealous.” - Satoru Iwata


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