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June 17, 2011

Namco - Tales of the Abyss' PS2 loading issues solved on 3DS, 3DS game development very easy

Part of a C3 interview with Makoto Yoshizumi-san, Executive Producer at Namco Tales Studio...

C3: Many players complained about long loading times in the PS2 game. Has this problem been resolved for the 3DS version?

Yoshizumi-san: We would like fans to actually play it and tell us their opinions (*laughs*), but we believe that problem has been completely solved.

C3: What are your thoughts about the Nintendo 3DS hardware in general? Is it an easy system to develop for, or have you already faced any problems?

Yoshizumi-san: Developing on new hardware has never been easy (*laughter*) Developing this game was a battle against the countless troubles we had. I again want to congratulate all the staff who worked on this. They did a great job!

Full interview here

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