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June 17, 2011

SEGA - Next Wii U dev kits to be sent out in June/July, system is 'quite powerful', won't say if has more power than 360/PS3

The following comments and information comes from Sega Europe MD of development Gary Dunn...

- next dev kits in June/July - more info on system power, online capabilities
"It's still a little early. There's another generation of prototype hardware coming out in June or July that's going to give us more information. ...we're finding it to be quite powerful."

- Dunn says "It's too early to call...It's different." when asked if the system was more powerful than 360/PS3
"(It's) a good platform to develop for.We've certainly found it easier to get prototypes up and running on next-gen definition visuals, so we're quite pleased with it. Given the fact that one of our graphics engineers ported something across very quickly I would say the answer to [having easily understandable architecture] has got to be yes."

- Aliens: Colonial Marines not 100% confirmed for the platform

"We would certainly consider Wii U in the mix, but every single game is green lit on an individual platform by platform consideration."

Dunn had this to say concerning straight ports of 360/PS3 games
"No, no we wouldn't [do that]. Clearly the new control mechanic allows some asymmetrical gameplay which we're quite excited about - to leverage that when we're looking to put any game on that system."


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