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July 31, 2011

Iwata on 'paid transaction systems' for Wii U/3DS, online connectivity and more

The following information comes from Satoru Iwata...

- preparing a paid item transaction system for both 3DS and Wii U
- 3DS version will be available to developers by the end of the year
- Nintendo feels that they shouldn't have this kind of system for their own games
- Iwata feels free-to-play games with paid DLC might hurt Nintendo's reputation
- 3DS internet connection rate is far beyond that of the DS
- only a fraction of those people download paid content
- Iwata is hoping to build this online eShop connection over the next 3 years, hoping to bring in many more people
- Iwata has a great desire to create a future where players will pay for digital content just like normal with no reservations
- this is a major point for Nintendo over the next three years
- Nintendo says retail content isn't going away, but they want to make digital downloads another 'pillar'


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