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July 20, 2011

RUMOR - Wii U to allow downloads of Cube games?

A portion of a NintendoGal interview with Amber McCollom, Director of Entertainment & Trend Marketing at Nintendo of America...

NG: I noticed on backwards compatibility at the press conference that the GameCube was missing. Why is this?

AM: You know it’s interesting that you bring up backwards compatibility and Nintendo’s history usually goes back one system. The Wii was compatible with GameCube and Wii U will be compatible with Wii and that’s pretty traditional in launches from Nintendo.

NG: So the Wii U will not support the discs or accessories?

AM: Actually the GameCube discs will not be compatible with Wii U, but a number of the games that were playable on GameCube can be downloaded from WiiWare.

Check out the full interview here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I want is Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. I'd trade in my Wii if I could have that game downloaded on my Wii U on day one.

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