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July 27, 2011

Square-Enix says don't write off the Wii U

"I'd say, don't write off the console. For every console it's the same thing: one of the most important things is going to be the launch line-up. We see that every time there's a great title shipping on PSP, the PSP sales go up, and every time there's a great title shipping on 3DS, the 3DS sales go up. If the audience and players can see that there are products for them, there's definitely going to be wide adoption of Wii U. The things of utmost importance are going to be the pricing at launch, and the line-up. They're trying to do their own thing. Generally they don't seem to look for breadth, in terms of the things [features] they are supporting with their console. They seem to be focusing a lot, and trying to make sure the things they are focusing on are going to be at the top. I'd always be careful making judgements on their hardware. They have an approach to it that is very different from others, but they have a lot of inner control of what they are doing. And there's a lot of knowledge and skill behind it." - Square Enix's worldwide technology director Julien Merceron

That's great and all, but where are Square-Enix's WiiU plans?


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