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NEWS FLASH: Hii bb ;3

July 6, 2011

Vigil Games discusses Darksiders II on Wii U - ease of use, development time and more

- took a week to get the game running on Wii U
- another week and a half of getting the graphics up and running
- this lead the first playable build
- the team then added in the finishing touches
- took roughly 5 weeks to get a fully functional build
- assets from the 360/PS3 versions
- three programmers worked to bring the game over
- the team was working with Nintendo to ask them how certain things worked, and Nintendo wasn't sure with some answers
- first time the team worked with Nintendo
- the team feels they didn't put any hurdles in the way during development
- feel that Nintendo is dedicated to helping developers with Wii U
- a lot of little hiccups along the way while learning the system
- should be an easy platform to develop for
- easier to develop for than PS3, on par with 360
- no need to pause and examine loot and see what you want, since it displays on the controller
- believes they could get the entire game running on the controller
- Wii U controller ease to put content on
- took roughly 10 minutes to write the code to display TV content on controller
- team will brainstorm to see what they can do with the controller

Check out the video interview here

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