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August 12, 2011

Koizumi on Mario Sunshine inspiration, favorite game, Water Temple faults, Sunshine/Galaxy/Zelda remake interest

A portion of an ONM interview with Nintendo's Yoshiaki Koizumi...

ONM: Do you have any plans for a WII U Mario game?

YK: As it turns out I am afraid I have too many ideas at the moment for Mario games on Wii U! I am going to have to start narrowing them down and thinking about which ideas might work well together so that the whole system will be an enjoyable experience rather than a hodgepodge of ideas!

Another example of looking at the technology and that being an inspiration for game design is when I was working on Super Mario Sunshine. The first time that I touched the GameCube controller, immediately I thought that the shoulder buttons could be triggers for a water gun. That's the sort of thing I have idle dreams about which have eventually ended up in a game.

ONM: What is your personal favourite game from those that you have created?

YK: Probably the one that has had the most impact on my life and the way I think as a designer is Super Mario 64. I have to say that the design journey that began with Super Mario 64 is not quite done yet, so it's something that I think of as being quite open-ended.

I certainly hope that the entirety of the division will someday realise it with the advance of hardware. I have to say that a 3D display is one big piece of that puzzle as we try to build that vision.

ONM: Would you ever like to go back and improve your games?

YK: I considered mentioning this at the roundtable when Mr. Aonuma was discussing the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time. I sometimes feel that it was my fault that so many people had so much trouble, especially considering that he pinpointed the difficulty in how inconvenient it was to change back and forth between wearing the iron boots and taking them off again.

Because, in fact, I was the one who designed the interface for that game and so if it is anyone's fault that it is hard to put on and take off the iron boots it was mine. I have to say that I didn't know he was going to make that kind of dungeon where you had to keep putting on your boots and taking them off again!

But certainly I do think occasionally about how advances in technology allow us to revisit previous gameplay ideas and designs and perhaps even address some of their shortcomings or less than comfortable gameplay experiences.

The 3D display is a really good opportunity to do that. When players are trying to navigate 3D worlds, especially on a 2D display, depth perception is one of the biggest problems and the 3D display definitely helps that. It's not quite virtual reality but it does help give people a little bit more perspective on what could have been some very tricky jumps.

ONM: Would you like to remake any of your old games?

YK: I guess I can't really say one title specifically because then the world will expect us to make it and I'll get into a whole lot of trouble!

I can say that I really would like to see a lot of those games that use 3D worlds on 2D display just so I could see what they look like in 3D and see what kind of different experiences people would have playing through them on a 3D display. So in that sense I would love to see Sunshine and both Galaxy games presented in 3D, and a lot of the Zelda [games] would be interesting too.

Full interview here

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