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November 10, 2011

Aonuma discusses what Legend of Zelda learned from Mario, Kondo discusses composing difficulties

"In terms of deciding to use the sky theme and the bird theme, it really started with that idea that we didn't need to have a big large field that you just simply move through to get to places. That's not a compelling use of the land and the terrain. What we started to think about was the way that the Mario games are structured. You sort of have this simple map that you can move around, and then it opens up into the next level or the next course that you work your way through.

One of our ideas was what if we have a means where you can very quickly get to the area that you're going to be exploring? That should work great, but when trying to find a way to apply that to a Zelda game, where still you need to feel like you're in a cohesive world. One of the things that we thought would be great is if you have this one area that you always continually go back to, and then from that area you're quickly and easily able to get to the other areas in the world.

In that sense it made sense to have that area be up in the sky, and then you would drop down from the sky to any of the areas below that you wanted to get to. But then as we were thinking about it more we thought well, it's just kind of silly that you would just drop out of the sky and land down below and you need to have some kind of mechanism for travelling around and that's where the idea of the birds came in."

Koji Kondo also discussed the trials of creating music for games, specifically Zelda...

"What's most important when creating music for a game is to look at the game itself and to really see what is that first impression or that first inspiration that you get from seeing the game in motion. Of course what's great about that is when you have that strong first impression, it then becomes very easy to put your ideas into a song and you generally are very quickly able to create the music for that scene.

What gets hard is when you look at the game and you don't really get a clear image for what that moment is trying to convey. That's when it takes much longer to create the music for those scenes. What I've found is that over the years with the Zelda series, as the game designers and planners are coming up with new ideas for the game itself, from an interactive nature, I've really kind of challenged myself to also come up with new ideas for how we use the music in the games. I've really felt that working on the Zelda series over the years has really helped to build a great deal of musical experience for me."


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