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December 13, 2011

Dinosaur Office creator discusses Nintendo Video deal

"Nintendo approached Collegehumor a while back about producing videos for the 3DS. We pitched them a lot of ideas, with the understanding that they would buy pilot episodes of several of them to be shown on the system. Then they'd pick one of those pilots for more episodes. We produced five pilots: Dinosaur Office, BearShark, Pizza Quest, Next Level and Duel. Dinosaur Office was the one Nintendo chose for more episodes.

Before the 3DS deal, some coworkers and I (Caldwell Tanner and Brian Murphy) had been making Dinosaur Office videos for youtube, on our own outside of work for fun. We hadn't even bothered pitching it to Collegehumor originally because we thought it was so weird that we were the only ones that thought it was funny. Some of our other coworkers were the ones that convinced us to pitch it for 3DS video." - Kevin Corrigan, co-creator

Check out the full interview here

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