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December 9, 2011

Resident Evil: Revelations - more details

- most common enemy is the Ooze
- Ooze are a collection of pale, gelatinous monsters
- they have the ability to flow like liquid
- this allows them to emerge from grates, pipes and even laundry machines
- the cruise ship is called the Queen Zenobia
- the Ooze seem to be on the ship only
- new Ooze types will actually shoot projectiles at you
- some are far more physically powerful
- game has a balance of dishing out enough ammo to the player, as well as making sure you manage your supplies
- one point in the game you lose your ammo and guns, but still have to deal with Ooze
- you'll come across a fast-moving, twisted fish that simply attempts to bite your head off
- there's also a demonic water cockroach
- these enemies are tough to kill with traditional weapons
- Hunters make an appearance as well


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