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May 30, 2011

Activision hopeful for a bright Spyro future, won't comment on 3DS version of Skyland: Spyro's Adventure

A portion of a Nintendo Difference interview with Activision's Jared Yeager...

ND: Can we hope for more mature adventures of Spyro in the near future?

JY: You know, you approach the next step smartly and do what you think is right to the characters’ storyline, the gameplay and its audience. You don’t just do something because you can. You see what we’re able to do with a lot of other games within Activition itself. I don’t think giving Spyro a mature title because we can is a good thing as it wouldn’t fit the universe, the style, the gameplay, the audience that you want to reach. We’re always investigating new ways of playing, hence how we came up with this. This game is unlike anything that had been done before. We really do take care in time with trying to approach the next step, but as far as where it’s going, I can’t say it at this point. We’re still trying to power through this game, we’re at alpha right now and we’re targeting that fall release. There’s plenty more work to get done in the meantime. As we get close to wrapping things up and look at the future then, of course we’ll be able to provide more details at that time.

ND: If the game is a big hit, can we expect more games of the same kind, or maybe an MMO?

JY: Those are all good questions and we’re still investigating new ways to expend gameplay that is rewarding and worthwhile to the characters’ storyline and what players want to play. But right now we’re just focusing hard and heavy on really creating this new experience for players that we really hope people will enjoy. You know, when you put one of the Skylanders on the Portal of Power for the first time and see it instantaneously pop up in the game, it really is a magic moment.

ND: We heard rumors of a 3DS version, can you speak a little bit about it?

JY: All I can say regarding your question is that we’re aiming at all viable platforms so, as details present itself, we will be able to speak further regarding that question. But it’s a very good question indeed! I appreciate the excitement but that is all I can say.

Full interview here

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