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May 19, 2011

GameStop talks lagging 3DS sales, numbers falling short of expectations

The following comments and information comes from GameStop president Tony Bartel...

"We were very excited about 3DS when it launched. [It] was one of the highest market shares we've ever had for a Nintendo launch at 45 percent. We were excited about market share. I think there have been reports that the numbers are lagging from what the expectations were in the U.S., and I think our results will be in line with that. In [fiscal] Q2 [ending July], we do expect we will fall slightly short of what we expected. We were excited at the launch, but in Q2 we believe it will slightly lag [behind] our expectation. ...but it hasn't been a significant increase in there (portable sales in general). We anticipate the 3DS is going to continue to be the hottest handheld platform for at least the second quarter."


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