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May 19, 2011

Pixel discusses the 5-year process of making Cave Story

A portion of an IndieGames transcript from a meeting of various game creators/composers, including Pixel...

Darren Korb, audio director for SuperGiant Games: For Cave Story, you did everything, right? It's hard for me to imagine, as a clueless audio guy who knows very little about programming, how so many disciplines could be combined together. How long did you spend developing Cave Story?

Pixel: It took five years. I was a salaryman at the time, so I went to work during the day and at night made progress on the game very gradually. Also, I was working on a lot of other game ideas during that time. There was a lot of art and music produced in those five years, and I was preoccupied by a lot of things that had nothing to do with game design. It's not that I didn't have any interest in doing something similar to Baiyon, announcing new titles and selling them online, but I simply didn't have the resources available. To make a living I had a job and only made games in my spare time.

Full interview here

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