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May 26, 2011

RUMOR - Metal Gear Solid 5 could head to 3DS?

Straight from NeoGaf... installment in the "main" MGS franchise (Metal Gear Solid 5, basically) is scheduled for this generation as a multiplatform release, with PS3, Xbox 360, NGP and "possibly 3DS" mentioned as landing platforms.

I'd say that if it was heading to the PSP as well, there's a good possibility the 3DS could be getting a more definitive handheld version, however, with it coming to NGP and "possibly 3DS" it's a little harder to rationalize and makes me worry that if it did in fact come to the 3DS it would be a watered down port.  guess only time will tell. In the meantime give me Metal Gear Solid 3!


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