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May 20, 2011

SVS Studios bringing Order Up! to 3DS, working on sequel as well

Straight from the SVS Studios' website...

Let’s talk about Order Up!! as we all know and love it, but with new content and features! This will come out on Playstation 3 (Move), Nintendo 3DS (which I don’t think we told anyone yet), and a third (TBA) platform as well! ...As for an all new Order Up 2, we’re really hoping that we find a good-sized and dedicated audience by returning to our beloved Island Paradise of Port Abello! We have a fully featured sequel laid out that we’re dying to get a chance to create, if the games catch on. So spread the word! Order Up!! is coming and everyone should put down Angry Birds and Bullet Storm for a while and check it out! Think that will fly?


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