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June 30, 2011

Activision - Wii U supports 'rich multiplayer games', have had dev kits for awhile now

A portion of a Guardian interview with Activision's Bobby Kotick...

G: Activision has expressed its support for the Wii U and Vita. How relevant do you think specialist hardware is in the new era of smartphone, tablet and cloud-based gaming?

BK: There will always be a need for specialised hardware to satisfy the needs of gamers. With the Wii U … from a development perspective, having a Nintendo device that is on parity with the other hardware from a graphics perspective was really necessary. For the kinds of games we create, it was becoming very difficult for us to support the Wii with the expectations that our gamers have. I think that the user-interface itself is very clever – there will be a lot of innovation to come from having the second screen. It's also critically important that you can use the existing physical interfaces with the new device because those are really compelling. Nintendo has always done a very good job of thinking about the user experience and this is no exception.

G: So this is something you can bring your core games on to? Might we see Modern Warfare and Prototype on Wii U?

BK: Well, without telling you our title plans, it's now more possible to do deep rich multiplayer games – we need more clarity from Nintendo on the online capabilities, but we've had development systems for a while now and we're very enthusiastic about it.
Full interview here

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