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NEWS FLASH: Hii bb ;3

June 8, 2011

Darksiders dev talk up Wii U version, Wii U power and how it could lead to the best version of their game

"I think it’s cool, and the nice thing for us is that it’s compatible with what we’re doing. For me personally, I love Nintendo. I love Zelda. I love Mario, and I’ve never actually made a game that’s gone on a Nintendo platform, so for me that’s just awesome. I think that if you look at the Darksiders franchise, it’s a little more mature, but it has that similar aesthetic to a Nintendo game. I feel like it’s a natural fit from a gameplay and platform perspective." - Vigil general manager David Adams

"We’re not interested in any gimmicky stuff like with the Wii launch games, where it was basically like, this is exactly like a normal game except every once in a while you jab your controller at the screen to jump or something. I think the new system is better than the Wii controller in that it has a couple features that core games like ours can leverage and make use of." - Vigil technical director Colin Bonstead

In regards to Mr. Bonstead being asked about the possibility of Darksiders 2 for Wii U being the best version, here's what he had to say:

"Yeah, just because the hardware is more powerful and it will have some extra features that I think will actually be useful to people playing the game. With it’s controller, [the Wii U version of Darksiders II] might be the best version of the game."

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