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June 28, 2011

Developers on Wii U - EA 'believe' it can reproduce 360/PS3 graphics, THQ at launch, BioWare interested, id may work on platform

We're big supporters of it. There's a lot of advances in processing and GPUs and also what's happening on the interface level and online, and we're very pleased Nintendo has come out with a machine that can do HD. ...I believe it is [capable of reproducing PS3 and Xbox 360 visuals]. It certainly has the high-definition resolution. But it looks like it's definitely competitive. And it'll do some very unique things. - Frank Gibeau, president, EA Games

'I want to be there at launch this time. I don't want to come in late on this platform.' So we flew up the next week to Seattle and met with them. I took them through the first year of the launch of their Wii U and what we were making. They got really excited about what we were making. And then Darksiders II was a natural for it as a launch title because we were already tracking to around those time frames anyway. Metro is in there as well, and they wound up in the press conference. I thought we looked really good up there as far as quality goes. - THQ's Danny Bilson

I saw a picture of it and it looked kind of big and weird but then I talked to someone who actually put their hands on it and they said, 'No, no, it's light and seems cool,' so... It's either genius, or it's crazy, or it's both. I don't know. I do like the idea of the touch-screen in the middle as that basically means you can reconfigure the controls of your game to be whatever you want. From a development standpoint that's pretty neat. - Dave Grossman, design director, Telltale Games

Any time you have a new interface option that's really interesting to us. We obviously make games with a lot of depth. If there are ways we can improve upon how we deliver that and how we help players to experience it, that's interesting.

It's definitely something we'll look at. I would suspect we'll take a similar track as we took with Kinect, for example with Mass Effect 3. We'll look at it and see what Nintendo does with it. They'll always have the craziest, most innovative way to approach it. Then, we'll think about how we might possibly be able to use it and see if it makes sense. - Greg Zeschuk, co-founder, BioWare

It's a perfectly valid target for our id Tech 5 development platform. It's going to be very interesting to see what the marketing uptake of the Wii U is. If they're able to convert a lot of their existing Wii customers that are not hardcore gamers, that don't have the other consoles, then yeah, I'd certainly be interested in moving our technology over there.

Motion control can't be tacked on to a lot of different types of games. You need a game designed for motion control. While local touch-screen is something practically any game could derive some value out of. - John Carmack, co-founder, id Software
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