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June 16, 2011

Iwata Asks: Ocarina of Time - even more development details, secrets and suggestions

- Miyamoto was worried about memory constraints for Ocarina of Time, and he thought that a worst-case-scenario would see Link adventuring in Ganon's castle. He would travel through paintings to new lands, just like in Super Mario 64.
- The forest painting fight with Ganon was carried over from this development idea
- Miyamoto says OoT was less about story for him and more about what kind of characters would show up
- Miyamoto wants people to stop focusing on story, because he feels it wastes a lot of dev time
- Miyamoto wants to focus on gameplay, and relates the smaller details to Yoshi. With Yoshi, if he is a boy then why can he lay eggs? Why does he have a girlish voice? Focusing on these details just wastes time
- Miyamoto relates Mario characters to Popeye, saying that various Popeye characters take on numerous roles in the cartoons. Miyamoto says that how Mario characters work, and he wishes it were the same with Zelda.
- Miyamoto prefers real-time cut-scenes so he can change them on the fly
- For the scene in Lon Lon ranch where Ingo chooses to be a sore loser and lock the doors so Link can't get out - originally he wanted to have Ingo burn the ranch down in reaction to that. This idea was squashed when devs asked what would happen when people wanted to revisit the ranch.
- Nintendo of America proposed doing a Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary collectors pack, but Iwata and Miyamoto didn't like the idea. They said it wasn't very Nintendo-like, and they had just done that with Mario

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