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June 10, 2011

Iwata comments on analysts misunderstanding the Wii U, industry members making incorrect comments without playing

Straight from Satoru Iwata...

On analysts misunderstanding the Wii U...

"Because we put so much emphasis on the controller, there appeared to be some misunderstandings. We should have made more effort to explain how it works. We haven't made any kind of blunder, but I should have shown a single picture of the new console, then started talking about the controller. The console is not drastically different, and Wii U is about the controller. The console itself will be almost invisible."

On writers that have and haven't experienced the system first hand...

"There have been two groups of people writing about our announcement - those like the Evening Standard, who have been able to experience the Wii U, and those who have not, and are simply writing about it from wire stories and pictures. They cannot see how this can be a game changer. What Wii U will offer is very different, but I believe we have the strong potential to change the entire format of videogames and of entertainment."


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