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June 18, 2011

Nintendo will discuss Wii U tech specs next year

A portion of a Toronoto Thumbs interview with Matt Ryan from Nintendo Canada...

TT: In terms of power, where does the Wii U stand relative to the Wii? PS3? XBox 360?

MR: We are not focused on the tech specs (ever); however Wii U will be a stronger system than Wii and will be able to do much more than we have ever done, and it will be HD. We will leave the rest of the details about Wii U until next year but know that our focus is on the experience you get playing our system, not the technical details that get us there.

TT: You must be very excited about your stronger connection with EA. Are you planning other such relationships with different companies?

MR: EA, Ubisoft and many others have dev kits and are showing immense support for what Wii U means for their development teams, franchises and the future of the industry. We will be announcing more great development teams working on Wii U down the road.

Full interview here

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