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NEWS FLASH: Hii bb ;3

July 2, 2011

EEDAR worries about Wii U core focus, third party ports, but says the platform will be successful

"I would caution Nintendo to stray from labeling the Wii U as a platform that delivers a core experience as its primary function. It just doesn't need to compete with the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 when they've already carved out a rather large niche market for themselves.

"The problem with the Wii U is that the platform will offer the capability of delivering a traditional HD experience, and it may give publishers an 'easy out' from having to create a truly differential experience."

"My biggest fear is that third-party publishers will simply 'port' their PS3 and Xbox 360 library over to the Wii U, while adding minimal unique features to the Wii U version. Simply put, I don't think the core community will fall for it and no one can honestly say they would purchase Assassin's Creed III for the Wii U, when they've already built a strong loyalty to the series on another platform. If someone told me they own every console and have purchased every Assassin's Creed iteration, I can bet with a high degree of certainty they likely own all iterations for the same console.

"The Wii U will be a successful platform. The question remains, however, aside from Nintendo, who else will be rolling in the profits? My guess, the ones that take full advantage of the differentiating Wii U technology." - EEDAR's Jesse Divnich

 Check out Mr. Divnich's full statement here

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