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NEWS FLASH: Hii bb ;3

July 7, 2011

Gearbox - Wii U is a 'cool stop-gap' system, displays higher res textures than 360/PS3

"Right now we're still finding out what kind of final tech specs the Wii U is going to have, but we like the system a lot; we think it's going to be a really cool stop-gap in between this generation and the next generation. We think it's really smart of Nintendo, and the fact that as a platform it's a lot more capable for hardcore first-person shooter-style gaming – for us that's fantastic. We've got the [Aliens: Colonial Marines] engine running on the Wii U, and as far as the console goes, you're going to see textures at a resolution that you haven't seen on [the current] generation, but the thing we're most excited about is: what can we do with the controller? So the obvious thing for us is that we can do the motion tracker [on the controller screen], or the sentry gun information – all that kind of stuff. That stuff is really sexy for us. Getting the information off the screen and onto this device is a fantastic idea, right? So can we have a HUD-less environment? Yeah, probably. That would be fantastic, right?" - Gearbox Software co-founder and chief creative officer Brian Martel


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