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July 7, 2011

Iwata explains why it takes so long to get from game platform announcement to launch

The following comments comes from Satoru Iwata...

The situation, "Even if a person thought it was amazing at the time of announcement, the excitement fades six or nine months later," may also be felt for the Wii U. If Nintendo could maintain the platform without anyone else's help or use past assets without any change, for example, enhanced graphics along with 3D view when Nintendo DS software is played on the Nintendo 3DS, then we could keep silent in the preparation of the platform and then announce, "We will launch it tomorrow, please buy one." However, unfortunately, we needed to have software newly developed for software that uses 3D, beautiful graphics or new communication functionality on the Nintendo 3DS. This applies not just internally within Nintendo but outside of the company also.

In the past, when Nintendo did not receive as much attention as we do now, we did not have to worry about the spread of our confidential information since it did not have any value in society, but since the Nintendo DS and the Wii created a social phenomenon, "Nintendo's next move" commands great attention and extreme news value. Therefore, although we go to great lengths to ensure that this will not happen, there are cases where, even if a person receives information under a Non-Disclosure Agreement, the information is leaked because there is great temptation. Even for the Wii U, some people may be aware, if they had been checking the Internet, that information with true and false rumors mixed together was spread on the Internet before the announcement. Therefore, as for new hardware, even if we wanted to, it is extremely challenging to realize a situation where a product is announced and then launched the next day.

On the other hand, as for software, it is often the case where the time between its announcement and launch is very short, but we sometimes receive complaints from our consumers such as "I don't have enough time to consider whether I should buy one." I would like to ask for your understanding that there is a great difference in the time span from announcement to launch between things that we need many people to be involved in, such as hardware, and things that Nintendo can do on its own (such as software made internally).


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