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July 7, 2011

Nintendo considering Find Mii 2, discusses different in first party/third party 3D visuals

The following comments come from Satoru Iwata...

First, I would like to explain a little because not all people here own a Nintendo 3DS. The Nintendo 3DS attempts to communicate with other Nintendo 3DS systems even when the lid is shut and, when it finds another Nintendo 3DS, it will start communicating with this system. This communication is called "StreetPass." There is a preinstalled application called "StreetPass Mii Plaza" in the Nintendo 3DS, and if you register your Mii, a portrait character which appears also in the Wii system, it will travel to other Nintendo 3DS systems.

When a character from one Nintendo 3DS goes to another Nintendo 3DS, the user will be able to play two types of games using that character. One is a game to collect pieces of puzzles and complete some pictures by meeting different people. Another is an RPG-like game called "StreetPass Quest," and in this case, by communicating through StreetPass with the same person again and again, his/her Mii gets stronger and becomes your strong ally. So if I understand what you said correctly, you have already enjoyed almost all of what can be done in these two games, so you have nothing to do now. To tell the truth, inside Nintendo is a very unique environment. Because there are so many people who have the Nintendo 3DS in the company, most of the people finished "StreetPass Quest" in such a short time and, as a result, many people are saying, "We want something new!" Even Mr. Miyamoto has been asking, "Does anyone have a plan for 'StreetPass Quest 2'?" for several months, and several departments are currently considering such a possibility. Therefore, I cannot say when or what we can deliver, but we would like to change the minds of the people who are temporarily thinking, "I cannot see the point in carrying my Nintendo 3DS with me," to make them think, "Oh, I want to carry it around with me again." I believe we can proceed in a way that answers your request.

Also, concerning the difference in the quality of stereoscopic images between Nintendo games and games from other software publishers, there are actually some games from the third parties that make me feel that "This 3D is wonderful!" I feel uncomfortable about drawing a line to separate the quality level between Nintendo and non-Nintendo software because I was originally a developer (working for an outside company), but I have to admit that some stereoscopic images are high in quality but not all of them are. With that in mind, it is a fact that consumers purchase games with expectations of attractive stereoscopic effects, and to realize this, a certain level of know-how is required. Even for Nintendo games, I have heard that there was some trouble in the beginning (of the development) because the stereoscopic effect did not work well. So I have talked about this with Mr. Hatano, one of our executive directors, who is in charge of contacting our software publisher partners, and we believe that if we could provide them with effective support, we would like to do so. Providing such support will raise consumer satisfaction and, in the end, it will help the Nintendo 3DS to gain momentum, so I would like to consider it in that direction.


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