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September 16, 2011

Inafune fought to keep Mega Man Legends 3 alive, but Capcom blocked his efforts

"So, I told them that I was going to found my own independent company and leave Capcom. However, I stated that I was ready to make a contract with them so that I could keep working on those projects that I started. I couldn’t start making contracts with other publishers for sure if Capcom agreed to the proposition, but I wanted to see those projects that I started to completion. But it couldn’t be done. They answered, ‘We have no need to do that.’

[I went to the trouble of]…Finding the right time, gathering the team members, planning strategies, all so we could barely start on Mega Man Legends 3. I really don’t want to quit at this crucial moment…but I can’t keep going at Capcom. I am too tired to keep going. I wanted to leave Capcom to recharge my energy, and support Capcom from there, but it seems they don’t allow it. I want to make all my effort to keep Legends 3 alive, but I’m really not sure I can do it." - Keiji Inafune

This whole Mega Man Legends fiasco is beyond words. Out of all third party developers' games I enjoy, Capcom's are second to probably only Valve. That said, Capcom hasn't been making it easy to be supportive of them.

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