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NEWS FLASH: Hii bb ;3

October 28, 2011

GT.TV's Nintendo show - Skyward Sword trailer and show overview

- Nintendo is trying to manage the upswing of the 3DS
- they're also trying to successfully handle the final years of the Wii
- the Wii will be coming to an end, but Reggie isn't sure when or how far after Wii U that will happen
- new trailer for Skyward Sword shows how this Zelda links to the other games
- new trailer shows some sort of phasing aspect where items and set-pieces appear out of nowhere
- we also see Link crafting the Skyward Sword, eventually turning it into the Master Sword

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- trailer shows the connection to Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess
- desert features a massive Triforce crest
- we see the desert area morph into a lush, green environment
- Aonuma says all of the Zelda games are within one timeline for the entire series
- Kondo would like to do a Super Mario Bros. concert

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- the episode is teasing Wii U talk in 7 minutes

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- Reggie not talking about Wii U today
- until Nintendo shows off the games and the full capabilities of the Wii U, it's all speculation
- different devs create their content in different environments. The fact that Nintendo is moving to a different, HD console explains why E3 game showings were proof of concept and 360/PS3 trailers
- Nintendo is getting the best dev teams, including indies, and a range of IP that is very exciting
- Wii U is on track for its after-April launch
- Reggie says he has a Wii U sitting in his office, but he might be joking

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