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NEWS FLASH: Hii bb ;3

October 28, 2011

More Heroes of Ruin Details

- The game has 80,000+ randomly generated items
- 227 enemy types
- 24 environment types/graphic sets
- Theoretically an infinite number of randomly-generated maps
- D-pad and touch screen for using various items like potions, face buttons for special moves
- Does not support the circle pad add-on
- Players can jump into a game in progress any time, either locally or online
- Automatic level scaling on damage and XP so lower level players can play with high level friends
- Any player can pause their game at any time in multi, monsters will simply ignore that player and the difficulty scales briefly
- Voice chat
- No PVP yet, possibly in future sequels
- Puzzle elements, such as a Lights Out style game to shut down a force field
- You can see the gear you equip on your character, lots of character customization
- Three skill trees per class
- You can save at any time in single or multi without losing any XP or items
- Enemies turn red for brief periods of time, which means they won't take damage and you'll be open to counterattacks
- StreetPass and SpotPass item trading/selling, and downloadable challenges every day for at least one year
- The game tracks which friends you play with, and you earn special benefits and perks for playing with the same group a lot
- Several previewers compared the multiplayer feeling to Secret of Mana


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