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October 19, 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Full Iwata Asks translated, bulletpoint details

- dev team took a 'big detour' during development
- dev team was able to pack in many kind of gameplay
- each enemies and residents sections had a leader during development
- work began when Twilight Princess was complete
- Aonuma felt intense pressure to use MotionPlus
- the game's basic button control scheme was thrown out for MotionPlus
- the team had trouble making sure Link was hitting enemies with the sharp part of his sword instead of just bashing with all different angles
- the team studied elbow structure to try and make things work, but they decided a blent of realistic and fake worked best
- Miyamoto struggled to beat Ghirahim
- Miyamoto called the dev team late at night and told them to work on having Link stop his sword mid-swing, instead of always following through
- this lead to the heavenly strike
- adding that move also paved the way for the game's name
- the dev team added Link's ability to dash up some walls as a response to the awkward bounce-back that Link experiences when running in A Link to the Past
- the dev team says the MotionPlus item selecting allows you to pick items without even looking at the screen, simply because you know the angle at which they sit in the menu
- Miyamoto really liked this idea, with Fujibayashi saying that he received his first bit of Miyamoto praise ever for the idea
- there's a virtual string attached to the pointer hand when selecting items, so you don't move out of item range
- the creation of the beetle lead to the mechanical theme in some aspects of the game
- the rocket fist idea that came before the beetle also lead to some of the game's theme
- the Gust Jar can only blow, but it could once suck and have an adjusted nozzel
- Iwata was really interested in the idea of adding the whip, so the dev team decided to move ahead with early tests
- Aonuma is not a fan of fighting games where you have to remember button combos
- development took 5 years
- not that many new items appear this time
- the focus is on content this time around
- the team built up hundreds of interesting elements


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