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June 6, 2011

Iwata shares his E3 thoughts via Twitter, says Miyamoto is causing trouble again

Once again here we have Iwata sharing a few E3 thoughts with us...

I arrived here at #E3 on Saturday from Japan, so I’m still experiencing jet lag

I’m here now at the Nokia Theatre preparing for our #NintE3ndo presentation tomorrow. I hope you enjoy the show.

I’ve been making my #NintE3ndo speech in English since 2001, but I find it’s still tough to deliver my speech not in Japanese.

It's not easy to prepare a smooth #NintE3ndo presentation, but we enjoy it. Now Mr. Miyamoto is changing his script again!

After Microsoft's abysmal showing, and Sony most likely to keep their tail between their legs this year, we can only look to Nintendo to steal the show tomorrow. Can't wait!


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