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July 7, 2011

Iwata on making the Wii U and 3DS hits, launching the 3DS with more software would have helped

The following comments come from Satoru Iwata...

Regarding your question, "What will we do if the Wii U does not become a hit product," we will put in our best effort to increase our overall hit product rate, but because this is something done by humans, so I cannot say, "All of the things that Nintendo create will 100% become hits." If I say that, it might become a lie, and I do not want to lie to you, so I would like to answer your question by saying that we will do our best to improve the hit product rate. Also, it would be appreciated if you could trust us in a way like "The hit product rate of Nintendo is relatively high," by looking at the past achievements of Nintendo's top management. However, I think you are absolutely correct by saying, "It is difficult to recover if it fails to sell in the first place" and "When an understanding of something is commonly shared, it is hard to change it," which you mentioned earlier. We are recognizing that these are very important points.

Therefore, we believe that there were also external factors, but if we had have launched the Nintendo 3DS after we had prepared more software by which the users felt "I want the Nintendo 3DS right away!," the transition of the sales of the Nintendo 3DS would have been better. You pointed out that our preparation was lacking in that regard, and we ourselves understand that is a point we have to reflect on.

On the other hand, ideas such as "If we develop a product in the way we initially planned, it will certainly be an enjoyable product" cannot be said for entertainment products. Only after developing the product to some degree and actually touching it, we can notice that "This would be more enjoyable if we made it in this way," or "The fun element of this part is somewhat interrupted by other things." A part of this is known as Mr. Miyamoto's "upending the tea table," but we sometimes request changes in the specifications at the very end of the development stage. This does not mean that we do not care about the schedule, but the most important thing for us is that majority of the people who have bought and experienced Nintendo products feel, "This is actually fun." If this does not happen, our brand will quickly fall apart, so we are doing this in order to maintain our brand. But because we are doing this, we cannot constantly provide the market with big hit titles. We also must reflect on the fact that we were not able to launch Nintendo 3DS at a time when a sufficient number of strong software titles were ready. In order to avoid the same thing from happening to the Wii U, we are considering details, such as what software is suitable for the launch, more carefully than ever before.


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