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September 29, 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Spoiler Overload

Today has been a busy day for Zelda fans as there has been an almost constant influx of spoilers for Skyward Sword. I know many of you don't want to be spoiled, and some are even on a media blackout until the game is released, so I'm placing these spoilers after the jump...

- C button switches to first person
- possible to walk around in first person
- shimmy along a ledge and use MotionPlus to make Link jump left and right
- Zelda is chosen to play the part of "the Goddess" in the Wing Ceremony
- Groose seems to be the one that kidnaps Link's Loftwing
- when you find your Loftwing, it's held in a cage boarded up with long planks
- Zelda comes to help and says she's been hearing something calling out to her, a voice from far away
- cut through the ropes at the ends of the boards to free your Loftwing
- wooden air docs are all around Skyloft
- run off the edge and hit down on the d-pad to call your Loftwing
- pressing A causes the Loftwing to dive forward
- pressing the B trigger prompts it to slow down
- race Groose to grab a trophy from a flying golden bird
- Groose is head-over-heels for Zelda
- Zelda gives you a sailcloth that she made herself after winning the race
- Link is drawn away by a floating, fairy-like presence that we know as Fi
- Link follows around waterfalls and up cliffs to the top of a mountain near Skyloft
- Fi guides you to the Goddess Sword
- Link can still run without using sprint
- sprinting is a bit faster
- little green bulbs of some sort of plant replenish your stamina after running/climbing
- a professor asks you to help catch a cat-like creature, which has you running along rooftops to find it
- Zelda thinks Link is a starry-eyed boy who is not fit for Knighthood
- Zelda's father feels differently, citing Link's connection to the Crimson Loftwing
- Zelda pushes Link off a cliff but Link's Loftwing takes so long to come rescue him that Zelda calls her own bird to help Link out
- your sword fighting instructor lets you keep your practice sword once you explain your predicament to him
- there's a pumpkin patch in Skyloft
- you can stab a pumpkin and have it stick on the end of your sword
- make a throwing motion to toss the pumpkin off
- Groose and his cronies will attack you with bombs while you race
- during the race you collect a mystical shard that fits into the carving at the base of the Goddess Statue
- Zelda encourages you to do some base-jumping from the statue to test out your sailcloth
- Link follows a vision that leads him under the Goddess statue
- Skyloft also has a graveyard
- the cat-like creature you're out to find is Zelda's pet, Ming
- at one point Zelda is fishing for compliments from Link, but Link doesn't catch on
- the cave area that Link visits is behind a waterfall
- the scene where it looks like Zelda is going in for a kiss is when she pushes Link so he can use the sailcloth
- use the sailcloth with B while falling a great distance
- Fi was created for the sole purpose of guiding the wielder of the Skyword Sword on his journey
- using a piece of stone, Link is able to open a green beam of light which appears in the clouds
- Link's headmaster gives him a shield
- townspeople will encourage you to get a potion
- standard store sells shields, bombs and deku seeds
- go to the potion shop and the owner will take pity on you and give you a potion
- another shop owner offers up item storage
- the final shop owner is for weapons/item crafting
- Miyamoto feels the game is amazing
- over 100 staff have been working on it for 5 years
- the biggest game the team has worked on to date
- perform actions with the A button
- A for dashing and climbing
- swim using the direction you move the Wiimote
- dash up and over enemies
- Ghirahim is a tough swordmaster
- draw with the Skyward Sword
- gather powers from the sky to solve puzzles
- new item: The Gust Bellow
- use it to blow away sand and enemies
- use the Beetle for recon or attacks
- no items in the Silent Realm either
- lots of mini-games and side quests
- use the bugs you catch to create potions at the potion shop
- Beedle's Shop is an airship
- says the amount of content will take your breath away
- over 100 minutes of cinematics
- total playtime of up to 100 hours
- boss battle challenge after you beat the game
- Miyamoto can't imagine controlling a sword with buttons anymore
- feels like they've created a new genre in interactive entertainment 

Plus, as the icing on our cake, we have Miyamoto's E3 demonstration officially translated. Enjoy!

Link, Link, Link

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